This is the space where you’ll find reviews for
all the pamphlets I have bought and reviewed in 2023.

If you’d like to read why I’m doing this, here’s an explanation.

Where possible, I have bought pamphlets, chapbooks or literary
magazines directly from the author or the publisher.
NONE of these books were provided to me as review copies.
I am doing this to encourage others to review and spread the word
around the grassroots poetry scene. Reviews help readers make
informed decisions and learning to review is a vital skill.

If you click on the image below, it will take you to the review.

Reviews are posted every week on a Wednesday.

There will be authors reading this I have never seen, or spoken to, with pamphlets who could benefit from being reviewed. As a result, the Contact Form below is for you. Please provide me with the following details and I will do my utmost to add your work to the Review Schedule for 2023:

  • Your Name,
  • Your preferred pronouns,
  • The title of your pamphlet, and when it was published. I will read ANY pamphlet, it does not have to have been published in the last 12 months. I’ll also accept chapbooks, zines and anything where someone sends you money to receive poetry,
  • A little bit about you, and why you’d like me to review your work,
  • The website where I can buy the work: if it’s available via a publisher, that’s great, but I’d prefer if I can pay you directly.

If there’s anything you want to add, there is plenty of space below. Thank you for your time.